Friday, August 12, 2011

Prometrium and Clomid it is!

My appoitment with my OBGYN was yesterday. And i came away with it feeling happy and excited but most importantly hopeful. My appoitment was at 1:30. I left work at noon and went home and had some lunch and watched some Baby Story on TLC. I headed over to the Women's Hospital and was lucky to find a handicap spot at the front, i went early in case i'd have to park miles away. I took that as a positive sign. haha! I get all checked in and waited about 10 minutes before being called back. I was weighed (113 lbs, yikes!!!) and then gave a lovely urine sample since my last cycle was June 22nd and they just wanted to do a pregnancy test "just in case." I knew it would be negative, but that little voice in my head spoke up and was saying "what if!!" So after getting my blood pressure and my pulse i was left to wait alone. Chris would have come, he's been to all of my doctors appointments, baby related and not, but he just wasnt able to arrange his schedule at work so he could. So i sat alone for what felt like hours even though i twas probably about 10 minutes. But those thoughts in my head were getting my hopes up! Even though i knew it was going to be negative. I swear i heard someone outside the door softely saying "Pregnant?" and then another person say "yeah." And of course i thought it was directed at me and my pee sample, but of course it wasnt.

My doctor comes in and we discuss whats going on, refresh her on when the miscarriage was (uhh, why didnt she look in my chart? In fact, she didnt even have my chart with her, but whatever) and what we've done since then to induce a period and how that didnt work. Without hesitation she says she is going to have me try prometrium again to induce my period (last time i only spotted, no flow at all) and then start on clomid on CD 5-9. And then start using OPKs after that until i get a positive. And if i dont, she'll up the dose of clomid. The awesome thing about paying for clomid is, they are on the "cheap" list at Wal-Mart. If you tell them you dont have insurance (which i actually DO, but...) instead of paying $30, i only paid $9!!! Unfortunately the Prometrium was $35.


I fully expected to hem-haw around and have to beg to be put on clomid. Both of my sisters used clomid (more on that in a minute), so i'm not that surprised i would need it too, but i thought it took a while for the doctor to be like, ok lets try this now. My guess is though, since i'm NOT having a cycle its more of a sign i need help sooner? Whatever, i dont even care, i'm just glad! I feel like we're finally moving one step closer to becoming parents!

So, my sisters and clomid. My older sister Michelle, has been diagnosed with PCOS. She was given clomid to help her in her TTC journey with baby #2. When i asked her about her experience with clomid (before i was prescribed or visited my/our OBGYN) she told me she didnt like the side effect and stopped taking it. So she didnt conceive using clomid. However, after stopping it she did. She's had two beautiful baby boy's. Jaxton is now 4 and Jett is 2. My younger sister Stephanie, also had to use clomid. She was never diagnosed with PCOS, but she's got all of the same symptons our older sister has so i wouldnt be surprised if she does too. I'm not sure how many cycles she had to use clomid before she conceived but she is now the mother of my adorable 1 year old niece Emma. So who knows how my body and i will react to clomid. I'm hoping and crossing all fingers and toes and legs and arms that i will only need one round to do the trick for us.

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