We had our anatomy scan on Tuesday, and it was the most amazing experience of my life. The last time we saw baby at around 6 weeks, it was just a blob, didnt even look like a baby. All of my check ups have been great since then and since buying a hand held doppler we've heard its heart beat every single day some times twice a day. Dont worry its perfectly safe. We made sure with the doctor! So we knew baby was still there and still growing.
Geez, i cant keep calling the baby an It! We know what "It" is!!
We're having a beautiful sweet precious...
Isnt that exciting?! I swore it was a boy! And i was completely wrong! But i dont mind at all! She's growing healthy and thats what matters to us! She didnt show any broken bones at this point which is very good news! All of her measurements are on track, except her long bones are measuring a week behind. But i'm not alarmed or concerned at all. I'm small, and Chris is pretty short also, so we may just have a small baby. And if its an indication of having OI, no big deal! We love her and she'll have a wonderful life growing up as our DAUGHTER. I have a daughter people!!!