Friday, July 29, 2011

My very first TTC Blog

Beginning stats:
Last Menstrual Cycle began on October 22, 2010
Positive pregnancy test on November 22, 2010
First Ultrasound: December 8, 2010 (should have been 6w4d, measured 4w4d)
Natural Miscarriage: December 11, 2010 (no D&C needed)
Given Prometrium to induce period in January 2011, unsuccessful
Given birth control pills to try and regulate periods in March 2011
Took last pack of birth control pills and had period on June 22, 2011
One week late for period as of July 27, 2011, negative pregnancy test

So, last month we unofficially started trying for another baby. We have officially started trying this month. So far...i think, its been unsuccessful. I say "think" because i'm late, however, the pregnancy tests i've taken have been negative. I am about a week late, so if i were pregnant a test should be able to pick it up. I had stopped taking birth control pills in June, so this last cycle which started on June 22, seemed normal enough. I had bought some OPKs (ovulation predictor kits) to test and see if and when i was ovulating. I started using them about a week after my cycle ended. I never got a positive ovulation test. So i've either missed it all together, or didn't ovulate at all. And now i'm not having a period. So i'm pretty frustrated. We want to conceive in August because we'd love to have our baby in April (no one in either family has a birthday in April), but at this rate it probably wont happen. I have a regular doctors appointment, just a routine check up on August 4th and i plan to ask for a referral to a high risk OBGYN so we can get some testing done and hopefully get things going for us again. We would also feel more comfortable starting with a high risk doctor as opposed to being referred after we conceive. The OBGYN i have now wanted to wait until we had a heartbeat before she would refer me. With my special circumstances i think being able to get to know the doctor who will be taking care of me and my future baby would be a better idea. That way he can do his own research on my disease and hopefully help us plan better.

And so begins our TTC journey. Coming along for the ride?